Transition List

Do you qualify as the creator of your situation? Many of us do. Would you like to eat better quality foods? YES! Can you blame yourself for wanting to relieve some stress? NO! There is a solution, check the list.

  • Are you what you eat, or is what you eat, eating you? Honor wellness.

  • If illness and exhaustion are keeping you sick and tired, calibrate your lifestyle!

  • The academy courses give you vibnamic currency on a whole new level with SupHerb recipes.

Me Operate Dinner Tables Mission:

To plant seeds and nurture the garden for eating which brings wellness and vitality amidst fitness.

Our Value DISH!

(Distinct + Intention + Solution + Herbs) 

Focus on: Balance, Authenticity, and Rhythm.

Solution: We solve the issue of health dieting trends and weight loss programs by uplifting people with authentic inner wealth recognizing their pure wellness potential.

Approach: Identify the cause that is rooted within your daily habits and seek to eliminate ill intentions enforced by limiting educational practices.


  • Ancient Knowledge
  • Culinarian Perspective
  • Garden Exposure
  • Vibnamic Methods


Final Objective: 

You can be in control of your intentions to calibrate habits that generate prosperity, joy and/or vibrant dynamics for optimum health.

Virtually nullify sickness and dis-ease!

Possibly lower your health care cost by 75%, or more!

Eat fresh delicious healthy meals!

Probably decrease the intensity of your stress level.

Have more time for family activities.

Learn how to prepare recipes with a diverse selection of ingredients.

Gain valuable skills and life enhancing methods to be self sustaining! 

Ready to Operate Your Dinner Plate!

Get all of the basic calibration recipes sent to your email. Be added to the mailing list, and get the current updates.

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Watch Intro Video

'Sweet Revenge Garden'!

A short film about sweet revenge. Watch It Now...


  • What is the meaning of Me Operate Dinner Tables?

    Me Operate Dinner Tables (MODT), is an anagram of the founders full name. It stands for me/you, being in control of what foods/consumables get chosen to be honored at your dinner table.

  • What purpose does MODT have as an Academy?

    MODT Academy's purpose is to inspire the people seeking an authentic role model for their self, or the children, by guiding those ready to become their own super hero in life. We each have a superb role to fill, which is only activated by your true awareness to conquer the barriers, and eliminate ill actions that we choose to do.

  • What will I learn from the course material?

    You will learn the truth about your body and how it works according to the elements, universal laws, and nature as we collaborate with the all.

  • Will the MODT Academy cause me to make changes in my life?

    Life is always changing, and you will always be the one in-control of the choices you make in your life. Whether you make that choice, now or later is the process we are to aid you with.

  • Can I become a chef from taking any of the courses?

    No. This is not a culinary program but, you will get lessons on how to identify the best/worst foods to eat, plus how to shop for fresh produce and make meals from scratch.

  • Will I need to purchase other products besides the course materials?

    You are not required to purchase specific food products to learn from the MODT Academy. However, it is encouraged for you to experiment with new food items, in-order for you to experience the full effects of utilizing the methods shared by the MODT Academy.

  • Are you able to do house calls or private events?

    Yes. This is referred to as Private Table Events (PTE). After a student of the Academy has reached a specific level, we provide more resources, such as hands-on training and in-nature ceremonies.

  • Is the hands-on training a requirement?

    Only for the people seeking to authentically calibrate their life style, and uplift their family, or friends. Accepting that one needs this type of training is a major elevator to your consciousness. You really do NOT know, what you do NOT know!

  • Who can be invited to In-Nature Ceremonies?

    These ceremonies are to give you the chance to experience nature after you have learned the basics about your body, the elements, the universal laws, and plan to master these methods for the best in life. You will know who is able to journey with us at the perfect moment.

Bonus material

Now when you subscribe, get these extra bonus materials about how you can get started with eliminating ill symptoms!

  • Bonus Herb List

    Get a list of the five most valuable herbs that can aid with strengthening your immune system. You can use these herbs every day to boost vitality. All for culinary use!

  • Bonus Calendar

    Take control of YOU, this is your year. You can accomplish your goals and resolve the issue of solving the issue. We have a calendar chart that aids you with reaching a milestone for every month of the year, for 2024 and beyond!

  • Bonus Recipe

    Imagine that one specific recipe can change the way you cook food forever? Get a secret recipe used to eliminate toxins and harmful substances from your body. Just add this secret recipe to your dinner meals for taste and wealth of wellness.

Get ready to operate now!!

Get all of the bonus material sent to your inbox. Plus, get the current updates from the MODT Academy.

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